Yakın Ertürk earned her PhD at Cornell University (1980) and has held academic positions at the following institutions: Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University (1986-2010); Riyadh University (1979-82); Hacettepe University (1983-86) and Rutgers University (2017-18). In addition to her academic work, Ertürk worked as an international rural development consultant, director at UN agencies (INSTRAW, 1997-1999; DAW, 1999-2001), as the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women (2003-2009); at the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (2009-2013) and the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria (September 2011 – March 2021).
Selected publications: Violence Without Borders (Metis, 2015; English edition 2016). Feminist Advocacy, Family Law and Violence against Women: International Perspectives (ed. 2019 Routledge); “Political Economy of Peace Processes and the Women, Peace, Security Agenda” (Conflict, Security and Development 2020).