Eylem Certel, who resides in Ankara, received her bachelor’s degree from the Department of Biology at METU and completed her postgraduate studies at the Department of Social Work at Hacettepe University. In 1992, she crossed paths with International Youth camps and since then, she has taken part in youth activities initially as a youth leader and then a youth worker. In 2005, Certel left the Youth Services Centre where she had started working after graduating from university and founded the Youth Development Association along with a group of youth workers. The same year, she participated in efforts for Turkey’s participation in Youth for Understanding, an intercultural student exchange programme and in 2008, she was one of the founding members of YFU Turkey. She now serves as the National Director of YFU Turkey and continues working as an instructor and consultant. She is a member of the SALTO – Appetiser instructor pool and gives training sessions in various countries in Europe. To this day, she has accomplished dozens of projects, conducted research and wrote articles in the youth field. She was a board member and for a period, served as the president of Youth Express Network, an international youth organisation. Certel has provided training sessions to hundreds of young people and youth workers.

Eylem Certel
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