Etkiniz Forum

Why We Monitor

Etkiniz answers the question #WhyDoWeMonitor with #solidarity, #accountability and #healing. It underlines the importance of human rights monitoring following the earthquakes of February 2023.

Can human rights monitoring activities:

  • Show which measures need to be taken before there is a humanitarian crisis?
  • Remove obstacles to solidarity by revealing which rights violations and discriminatory practices occur during periods of humanitarian crisis?
  • Explore remedies for rights violations after humanitarian crises to ensure that states are accountable and the victims can heal?

The Etkiniz EU Programme will be asking you the question “Why do we monitor?” at its forum, which will bring together human rights civil society organisations (CSOs) in Turkey with the key actors of international human rights monitoring mechanisms.

The Etkiniz Forum will be held in Antalya from April 18th to 19th 2024 on the theme of “Human Rights Monitoring for Solidarity, Accountability and Healing”.

Come together for solidarity, accountability and healing

Keep up to date with human rights monitoring work carried out after the earthquakes

Enjoy spending time with civil society in various side events

Network with representatives of international human rights monitoring mechanisms and CSOs

Share what you know about your own rights area in parallel learning sessions